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Lip Lift in Detroit, Michigan

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Lip Lift to Correct Visible Signs of Aging Correct Asymmetry for a Youthful Result

Balanced, youthful proportions are possible at The Center for Facial Plastic Surgery in Detroit, Michigan. Dr. Ricky Sayal is an accomplished surgeon and physician who is known for his meticulous approach to facial rejuvenation. Consider a subnasal Lip Lift in Detroit to correct lengthening between the nose and the top lip, a common sign of aging. Book your consultation today with Dr. Sayal!

What is a Lip Lift?

Refresh and Renew

A Lip Lift is a surgical procedure that shortens the distance between the nose and top of the lip. The results are natural, full lips that are balanced with the rest of your face.

Detroit lip lift model with blonde hair

What are the benefits of a Lip Lift?

Benefits of a Lip Lift include permanently restoring a more youthful upper lip and increasing symmetry and balance of the mouth area. This is an excellent stand-alone or adjunctive procedure.

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Am I a good candidate for a Lip Lift?

A Permanent Solution

When considering a Lip Lift Detroit patients should know that almost any healthy adult who wants to address a lengthening between the top of the lip and bottom of the nose is a good candidate for this procedure! Dr. Ricky Sayal will review your medical history during your consultation and ensure you do not have any complications that could prevent you from undergoing surgery successfully.

Detroit lip lift model with black hair

Your Lip Lift Procedure

Rejuvenate Your Smile

This is a surgical procedure done by Dr. Ricky Sayal. Dr. Sayal will begin by numbing the area immediately below your nose with a topical anesthetic. Once you are numbed, he will make a small incision in the crease between your nostrils and the space between your nose and lip, allowing him to lift and remove excess skin. Once your Lip Lift procedure is complete, Dr. Sayal will close the incision.

Lip Lift Recovery

Expert Aftercare

Like any surgical procedure, some downtime is expected. In most cases, you will not typically need prescription pain medication — just ice and Tylenol. You can expect a slight pulling sensation for three days and around two weeks of swellings. After about one week, Dr. Ricky Sayal will remove the stitches, and any redness can be covered with concealer.

Lip Lift Results

A Reason to Smile

You can expect a more youthful, rejuvenated smile! Lips will appear fuller and more balanced.

Schedule your Lip Lift consultation in Detroit, Michigan with Dr. Ricky Sayal!

Say Goodbye to a Downturned Mouth

Schedule a consultation with our team at The Center for Facial Plastic Surgery to learn more about your Detroit Lip Lift surgery. Trust Dr. Ricky Sayal’s background in cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery to ensure your needs are taken care of by an experienced, caring doctor who understands all aspects of facial enhancement.

Lip LiftFrequently Asked Questions

As with any surgery, there is always some risk involved with Lip Lift surgery; however, Dr. Ricky Sayal and his team take every precaution possible to ensure your safety before, during, and after your procedure. The most common side effects are bleeding and scarring. Nerve damage is also a possibility, which is why it’s important to trust a highly-trained surgeon like Dr. Sayal.

Pricing is discussed in the office after your consultation with the doctor.

A Lip Lift is a cosmetic procedure not typically covered by insurance.

Schedule your Detroit Facial Plastic Surgery consultation today

Improve your beauty, your health, and your daily life with help from the Center for Facial Plastic Surgery at ENT Specialists. Our friendly and caring staff will keep you comfortable and satisfied throughout your beauty journey.

25500 Meadowbrook Ste 220, Novi, MI 48375

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